This I think worked well. If the project is a success then this
will be one of the key reasons.
Once I realised that I had decided to build a processor I took a
bit of time to think about how I should go about it. And whilst I
could see many problems it seemed to me that there was one that
was certainly the biggest of all. How could I be sure that what I
built was what I had designed ?
The particular reason why I was nervous was because the processor
was going to be built by connecting together lots of small boards
and there was plenty of scope for errors at all stages. When
sensible people build a processor nowadays the design they come up
with is translated directly to hardware. There may be some manual
tweaks on the way but the translation is essentially mechanical
and so (we trust) reliable. (There are languages specifically for
describing hardware designs e.g. Verilog and VHDL). By contrast
once I'd designed the processor I was then going to build it using
a completely independent process.
So the first decision was that when I started to physically build
the processor there had to be a route by which I could test it at
each stage against the design. So each individual board, each
collection of boards into modules, each collection of modules
etc.would be tested against the appropriate subset of the design.
This led me to using a general purpose language (C/C++) to
describe the design so that exactly the same software that was
used to design (model) the processor could be incorporated
without modification into a
test system.
Obviously if the software model of the processor is to be used to
test any part of the processor it must represent it exactly in
terms of its lowest level gates.
But to design a processor from gates up would be an exercise in
misery. Very fiddly and quite difficult to be sure you'd got it
So I first designed the processor in a quite abstract way without
any real consideration as to the implementation; modelling it as a
set of instructions acting on a group of registers. This is a
really easy way to describe it which has the benefit that there is
some chance I might get it right. For example here is the business
part of the ADD instruction
* pReg,
* pAccess)
short origA, origB;
(void) pAccess;
// op
origA = pReg->m_aReg[m_A];
// need to catch original values of A&B for flag
origB =
+= pReg->m_aReg[m_B];
// flags
origA, origB, pReg->m_aReg[m_A]);
Once I had an abstract model of the processor that I was
happy with I then set about modelling how it could be implemented
in hardware using logic gates. To check that the hardware model
was correct I would run it in parallel with the abstract model on
the same programs/data and check they moved in lock step with each
other. For an example of what the hardware model looks like here
is a fragment that is modelling the logic to control the
multiplexer feeding the Y input of the ALU.
// ALU1 Y
alu1_y_mux_RB_A =
= Cpnt_3OR(alu1_y_mux_RB_A,
= Cpnt_4OR(bus_decode_alu_3.opcode_is_addq_group,
alu1_y_mux_bit =
= Cpnt_2x2AND_OR(bit_xx_action_cycle,
By keeping the abstract model as a reference I could experiment
with the hardware model trying out different approaches confident
that if its behaviour matched that of the abstract model then it
would yield a working processor.
Having fixed on a hardware design (modelled by a software program)
the next step was to create the schematics for the modules. I
desperately wanted to find a mechanical way of going from the
software program to the schematic but couldn't find a satisfactory
way of doing that. So I copy and pasted the program into a
schematic as comments and for each gate of the design matched up
the symbol for the board implementing it with the function call in
the software program that modeled it. Then it was a matter of
labeling all the signals as per the variables in the software
program. The result for the above fragment is shown below:
This step made me incredibly nervous, I spent a lot of time
checking it.
Once I'd done that I could use a PCB layout design tool to
translate the schematic into the artwork I used for the modules.
This artwork is what I used to tell me how to wire things
together. The PCB tool ensures that the artwork is consistent with
the schematic (which is hopefully consistent with the hardware
model, which
consistent with the abstract model, and so
result in a working processor ). (You may be puzzled by the
apparently random crossing of some of the lines in the picture
above. When I initially drew the schematic it was neater, for
example STATE_13 connected to input #1 of the OR gate at the
bottom, and OPCODE_IS_ADDQ_GROUP connected to #3. When "laying
out" the artwork I found it more convenient to have these swapped
round, which is perfectly legal todo as all inputs to an OR gate
are equivalent. So I swapped them in the layout and the tool
ensures they are swapped in the schematic to maintain consistency.
A process called back-annotation. However it doesn't care about
aesthetics so doesn't do anything to straighten the lines or move
the labels. I don't manually prettify it again in case I mess up,
its not worth the risk)
Each time I connect some boards together to form part of the
processor I run a test on it. The test program incorporates the
matching part of the hardware model and so can run the hardware in
parallel with the model and check they move in lock step with each
other. This way I have a chain of verification from the hardware
back to my abstract model, which is the reference definition.
As well as acting as a reference for the design the abstract model
also sees service in the simulator.
If I had my time again what would I change?
- I dithered for some time as to whether I should use one of
the hardware description languages (I'd have probably chosen
VHDL) to describe my hardware model, it's what they're
designed for after all. Towards the end of the project I did
in fact create a VHDL version of the processor. This was so
that I could run a version in an FPGA for testing parts of the
system. (I did this by renaming my *.CPP files to *.VHD and
then sorting out the compilation errors. Literally). However
I'm still pretty sure that it was correct to use software for
the modelling. The crucial factor is being able to run the
exact same model in the test program but also software
provides a much more benign environment for experimenting with
- The bit I would most like to have changed was the manual
translation from the hardware model to schematic. If I had my
time again I think I'd look very hard for a way of avoiding
this. Perhaps/probably by having some third form of
description from which I could automatically generate both the
software and the schematic (and probably the VHDL as well).
I'm sure its possible, the mistake I made was to write the
software model first and then wonder how to turn it into a
schematic by which time it was too late.
- The other thing I'd like to have done is create a graphical
simulator using the same artwork as I used for the modules.
Complete with flashing LEDs. This may well have easily fallen
out if I'd properly solved the software/schematic translation.
I do find myself gnawing on this every now and then and think
it's not so hard. If I had done this then a rather fun
idea a friend suggested was that you could use an image
processing approach to test. Train a camera on the
Megaprocessor as it runs and check its lights flash in the
same places as on the simulator. Bonkers. But fun. Whilst its
too late to have automatically created the artwork I think its
reasonably straightforward to go from the artwork to a
graphical simulator, so there might be a virtual Megaprocessor
arriving in a while.

