For my registers I use a master-slave D type flip-flop. This looks
like :

which I found on
It's usually shown with a single clock input with the second clock
being derived as an inverse of the first. I chose to
explicitly have two clocks to have better control over timing. The
reason why I was (overly) defensive was because I'd first tried
using the "classic positive edge clocked D type flip" you can see
on the same Wikipedia page. This looks like:

This worked entirely correctly as a flip flop. The problems
occurred when I tried having a bunch of them set up to form a
shift-register. The results were erratic to say the least. The
problem is, I think, the lack of control I have over setup and
hold times so it wasn't brilliant for a synchronous system. Some
of the flips flops switched before other had got going and so it
was all very unhappy. I had half anticipated the problem so I
wasn't completely surprised/disappointed. It'd have been nice if
it had worked and I thought worth a try.
The big mistake I made was not providing a clock enable control
input for my 16 bit registers. This means that if I want a
register to keep a value from one clock cycle to the next I have
to feed its value back to the input. Which not only means I need
wider multiplexers on the inputs but I also have to tee the output
and send it back round to the input multiplexer which adds a lot
of unhelpful clutter. This is just a stupid mistake. I may have
been nervous about the implications for hold times when I was
thinking of using the edge triggered flip flop at the start but
once I switched to the master-slave flip flop I should definitely
have added the clock enable. I guess just another example of not
noticing when early assumptions are negated by later developments.